January Blues

Finally, I have come to the end of my 12 weeks intensive training and assessment for the job I landed last October. It has truly – coupled with my academic work, home life and all the other stuff – has really taken its toll on me mentally, physically and with my health. At times I…

Happy New Year

The start of a new year is always an exciting time. New plans, new you, new adventures, new beginnings, some of which start with the best of intentions but all too soon drop by the wayside. I did have a smirk when I read one particular post saying ‘this new year I am going to…

Getting Organised

For a very very long time I have been juggling far too many balls and only just keeping them in the air. Getting organised was the best way I could think of (or rather was my last resort!) to clear my packed brain and make room to think and be more productive. You will recall…

Four Months Four Things

You will know from the ‘Changes’ post last year, that I have returned to full time work. To be honest, with life, family, Christmas in the mix and new things to learn, systems to negotiate and people to meet (names are still a problem) – it has hit me like a fully-weighted sledgehammer. I was pretty…


I have been a little quiet and for those who know me well, will understand that I have been concentrating on my family for a while. Without seeming like I am joining the ‘pity party’ – something that I don’t subscribe to, along with the husbands health, the little boy has not been great and…

Making a Plan

Well, my plan was to – er – make a plan this week and apart from pondering a few things and ruminating over others, in short I haven’t really done anything.  I will explain. Last year the hubster had a heart attack and a few days before the first anniversary this year – he had…

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This is the excerpt for a placeholder post. It can be deleted, or edited to make it your own.

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This is the excerpt for a placeholder post. It can be deleted, or edited to make it your own.

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This is the excerpt for a placeholder post. It can be deleted, or edited to make it your own.