Making a Plan

Well, my plan was to – er – make a plan this week and apart from pondering a few things and ruminating over others, in short I haven’t really done anything.  I will explain.

Last year the hubster had a heart attack and a few days before the first anniversary this year – he had another incident. I won’t go in to much detail just now but our life kind of went in to free fall and we have all been weathering a bit of a storm, emotionally and practically. We are still no closer to a proper diagnosis or a way forward, in fact not knowing is worse than knowing – at least we would have an idea what we were dealing with.

So, in short and courtesy of my life-long friend, we have been spending time together in a little house on the side of a loch in Scotland. It was just what we needed – time together to just forget about our worries and enjoy life together.

Anyhow, whilst sitting in the sun and watching the children paddle in the loch and go on treasure hunts, I started pondering where on earth I was actually going to start in this journey. I have to accept that things are not going happen overnight and I will have to implement some changes in gradually or be faced with a possible mutiny!

Here are areas that I would like to turn my attention to immediately –

Getting the garden producing some food.

Having a massive clear-out and sale of unnecessary things.

This coming week, these are the two things that I am determined to make a start on. If you don’t hear from me – send help, I will be either face-down in the vegetable patch or at the bottom of a pile of stuff!

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